Ready for a $100 Treat? Our 100th Newsletter Celebration Starts Now!

Join our milestone celebration and win $100 to shop your favorites!

Wow, can you believe it? We're already at our 100th newsletter! 🎉 

As I sit to write this, I'm filled with gratitude and a bit of disbelief. How quickly time flies, right? It’s like, where did the time go? It feels like just yesterday we were swapping stories about sleepless nights and the first-day-of-school jitters, doesn’t it? Here we are now, 100 newsletters later, having navigated the ups and downs of parenting together, sharing our wins and learning from our oops moments, and we want to thank you and let you know that we deeply value you. You’re an amazing parent. And that’s why:

Valentines Day Love GIF by BREAD TREE

You deserve a massive thank you for being with us through thick and thin.

All you have to do is add us to your e-mail contacts and do a purchase of any product in our store with code GIVEAWAY2024, where you will have free shipping no matter the amount.

You have until April 14th to participate, we will announce the winner on April 15th on our instagram stories and through e-mail!

with nothing else to add, just want to finish by saying:

Cats Thank You GIF by Nebraska Humane Society