How to bedshare safely

In the sea of parenting advice, there's one universal truth we all face: sleep deprivation is the worst

All Things Childcare is now Parent Porch, because parents deserve a real, raw, and rich space with support and resources. Reply to this e-mail if you would like us to touch on any particular theme, topic, or subject!
Issue #87 - 02/20/2024

This week's edition is proudly sponsored by DreamNation, passionately supporting family businesses. DreamNation believes in the power of family-run ventures to shape a better future for our communities. Keep on reading to discover how they're making a difference.

🌞 Good Morning, Parent!

In the sea of parenting advice, there's one universal truth we all face: sleep deprivation is the worst. It's like trying to solve a puzzle with half the pieces missing. Every parent has been there, navigating through the fog of tiredness, all while trying to make the best choices for their little ones. This edition of our newsletter is here to offer some clarity and support in the whirlwind of parenting.

For Your Parent Pit Stop Today:

  • PARENTING: Baby sleep: How to bedshare safely, from mums who no longer hide it

  • If you are a working parent, you need this

  • BREAKING NEWS: The search for what causes SIDS

  • DEVELOPMENT: Is the Western way of raising kids weird?

  • Parent Picks: 1 Quick Tip, 1 Activity and 1 Useful Product

Baby sleep: How to bedshare safely, from mums who no longer hide it

Meet the mums who share beds with their babies - and no longer have to hide it from health visitors thanks to a change in advice from the NHS of Ireland.

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The search for what causes SIDS

SIDS is a big problem because babies pass away in their sleep, and no one knows why. It's scary for parents because there's still no way to stop it. What steps can we take to protect our little ones from this silent danger?

Is the Western way of raising kids weird?

As we step into another year, it's the perfect time to reflect on the unique and sometimes surprising ways we raise our little ones in the Western world. From the moment we welcome our babies into this world, we're bombarded with a plethora of parenting "must-dos." But have you ever stopped to consider how different our Western approaches – like putting babies in their own room or wheeling them around in strollers – might seem to others? This isn't just about sleep schedules or baby gear; it's a deep dive into the cultural tapestry that shapes our parenting choices. Are we too quick to strive for independence, or is there wisdom in our methods? Let's explore this fascinating journey of parenting across cultures and find out what makes our Western practices stand out.

Parent Picks

Quick Tip

If you're intrigued by the global practice of co-sleeping but concerned about safety, consider a co-sleeper bassinet. This attaches to your bed, giving your baby their own safe space while keeping them within arm's reach. This way, you can enjoy the closeness and convenience of co-sleeping without the worry.

Creative Activity

Create a beautiful world map with your child. Use a large poster board and mark the countries with different baby-rearing practices. For each country, attach a small picture or a symbol representing a unique parenting practice, like a small bed for co-sleeping in Japan or a stroller for the U.S. It's a fun way to teach your child about cultural diversity from a young age!

Useful Product

Even when your baby is starting to eat more and more, they are still very much a baby who needs you close. This Happy Carry Practical Baby Hip Carrier is an ideal choice to maintain that essential bond while accommodating their growing curiosity and mobility. The ergonomic design ensures your comfort, too, which is especially important as your baby grows and becomes more active. With this carrier, you can keep your baby close and connected, making it easier to go about your day with a happy baby.

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If you have specific feedback or anything interesting you’d like to share, please let us know by replying to this email